Kamis, 24 November 2016

A letter to your younger self and your 10-years later self

How are you, guys?
Welcome again my blog and not ever get bored to read my blog.
Now the eighth week now I want to talk about ‘’A latter younger self and your 10 years latter self’’ 
What we ever written a letter to yours self? whether we ever also made the latter write, a latter to another such as mother, father, sister, brother, and friend. But mostly wrote a letter to the teacher sick and permits. Difficult the write a letter to yourself   let alone someone who has never written a letter to herself and others.   
Dear myself
Hey, how are you? What are you surprised to find this letter? a letter from yourself that you write yourself ten years ago.
Things that make this a very curious past. for example, you are married? now let’s get started interrogation.
1. First of all have your future goals?
2. whether you already go to the land of your dreams?
3. whether friend you’re increase many?

Happiness is a thing that cannot be bought. even if you are successful or have been married to the man of your dreams but it shall mean you're happy. and in the past you have happy when I saw my father and mother happy, when gathering with your closest friends. hello dear, you ten years ago.

Hello dear, you ten years ago.

Dear myself
to me in the days ahead I hope the next ten years you still have time to read it

Hi, how are you doing to me? I hope you're still healthy victory. Today I wrote a letter to you. Ten future may you still be able to set aside a little time in the day so you are piling on this letter. Her honest as I'm really curious how life at the time, the time when you're sitting on the edge of the bed while waiting for baby sleep soundly. Then smiled because digesting this strange sentence circuit. may be.
1. I'm sure you must have gained weight body .but what are you still too lazy to   exercise?
2. Your age is already increased by one decade. Do you still wrestle same hobbies?
3. hopefully your dreams for college s2 has also been completed you live.
4. Happy parents must be done, Services and sacrifice you infinity of all time.
5. I hope you've met your life partner and have a small version of yourself. Become a     housewife, career woman or both? or maybe you prefer to produce a myriad of money from home.

Myself in the future, I am sure life has changed. Surely you'll grow older. the single dab youth deserves to be remembered with beautiful. I am now trying to enjoy wholeheartedly so that you will not regret in the future. equip themselves with new insights, trying to reach our dreams and proper themselves for the complementary soul. a message to  slightest success, give thanks. Because you have passed through great struggle and journey of a cliff. Despite the storms of life louder crashing. don’t ever give me become a strong woman.

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