Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016

My application that I like

Hello good evening, friend.
What are you guys doing ? you must be doing something like hang out cafe, playing game, sleeping, playing instragram, facebook, line, video call, twitter, playing football, and maybe doing homework for someone whom doing homework, hope assignment you quickly completed your task.
this week, the theme in my blog about most applications you prefer. a lot of application on mobile phones such as BBM, Line, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo massanger, Google translate, Photo grid, Path, UC browser, Chrome, Camera, Play store, Music ,Game, Whats App messanger, Talk, Instragram, Web toon, youtube,  Google+, Video, Gmail, and many more so what most you guys prefer to play in or mobile phone? so do I.
I used many application but I often and mostly used I application. I prefer camera application because I can capture every memorable. moment for example, like a moment when I hang out with friends, hang out with whole my family and find an interesting event. every day is always a change either in our salvers or in others. therefore we have to capture the moment as we are friends and family because time cannot repeated.

this is my story about most prefer application I used from my phone . I hope you also can enjoy every moment you capture with your camera like me. have a nice reading, good night, big thanks and see you   

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